

2020年12月23日 8:30-11:30 (北京时间)


  1. 直播流将于2020年12月23日8:20开始,8:30正式直播。提早进入可能会看到 “直播已结束” 几个文字,可以直接忽略,等候直播开始。

  2. 因为腾讯会议直播的缺陷,切换演讲人时会卡顿住,刷新后即可正常观看。


移动社交软件的全球增长策略: 用文化视角打造独特的本地化价值


华盛顿大学塔科马学院 (University of Washington Tacoma) 数字媒体设计副教授

孙华彤 (Huatong Sun), 美国华盛顿大学塔科马学院(University of Washington Tacoma)数字媒体设计副教授,设计创新方向负责人。复旦中文系本科,伦塞勒理工学院 (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)传播修辞博士。长期从事本地化、跨文化设计、多元文化设计、及全球用户体验设计的教学、科研和应用工作。研究专著包括Cross-Cultural Technology Design(2012)和Global Social Media Design (2020)。她是首位在美国技术传播学科连获最佳博士论文、学刊年度最佳论文和最佳专著的海外学者。德国亚琛工大冯卡门学者, 世界华人华侨人机交互协会理事。


在移动社交时代,如何更好地打造产品的独特价值(Value Proposition)来赢得海外市场?讲座以演讲人2020年新书「全球视角的社交软件设计」的一章为基础,聚焦微信与WhatsApp、LINE和 KakaoTalk过去十年的全球市场竞争和今年抖音的海外纷争,分享田野调查心得, 探讨了如何从文化层面去打造产品独特价值的全球增长策略。

A New Paradigm of Human Computer Interaction: Human-AI Collaboration

Dakuo Wang, PhD

Dakuo Wang is a Research Scientist at IBM Research AI, based in Cambridge Massachusetts. His research lies in the intersection between human-computer interaction (HCI) and artificial intelligence (AI). He is now leading a team of researchers, engineers, and designers to conduct research and design user experience for IBM AutoAI, a solution to automate the end-to-end machine learning pipeline. Outside his IBM work, Dakuo is also interested in how people work with real-world AI applications, such as conversational agents (Chatbots), and clinical decision support systems (CDSS), and he collaborates with various universities to study it. He proposes “Human-AI Collaboration” as a new framework to study and design AI systems to work together with humans.

Before joining IBM Research, Dakuo Wang got his Ph.D. and M.S. in Information and Computer Science from the University of California Irvine, a Diplôme d’Ingénieur (M.S.) in Information System from École Centrale d’Électronique Paris, and a B.S. in Computer Science from Beijing University of Technology. He has worked as an engineer, designer, and researcher in France, China, and the United States.

Dakuo Wang now serves in ACM SIGCHI China Chapter as a Vice-President, and International Chinese Association of CHI (ICACHI) steering commitee 2018-2022, as well as in Program Committee for various SIGCHI-sponsored conferences. ACM has recognized Dakuo Wang as an ACM Distinguished Speaker in 2019.



Dr Maria Wolters, Reader in Design Informatics

Dr Maria Wolters is Reader in Design Informatics, School of Informatics, and Academic Associate, School of Philosophy, Psychology, and Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh, and a Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute for Data Science. Her research focuses on supporting people with chronic illness to live rich and meaningful lives. Maria has published over 80 peer reviewed papers and has been PI or Researcher Co-I on grants funded by the EPSRC, European Union, and Leverhulme Trust. She is Programme Director of the MSc and Advanced MSc in Design Informatics.

爱丁堡大学 Maria Wolters 老师将在圣诞节后分享,具体时间另行通知。

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